To exit out of the current visualization, press the hamburger menu button on your left controller, then press the Desktop button in the bottom left and select a new file. The data exploration can be done interactively in 3D or programmatically using ParaView's batch processing capabilities. ParaView users can quickly build visualizations to analyze their data using qualitative and quantitative techniques. To give it a try, open a terminal and type pvpython and then from paraview.simple import. Note (1) Catalina Users Seeing a popup similar to this one Visit this page for a solution. ParaView comes with its own Python, which may be missing some dependencies for the desired usage.
ORS-Realmed users wishing to obtain this software must contact the HPC Helpdesk to request a copy. To visualize the microtissue dataset as an observer, select NRRD_HMD_observer.bat An open-source, multi-platform data analysis and visualization application. ParaView comes with its own Python intrepreter, in which you can easily access ParaView Python package. ParaView installation tgz/zip files (for Linux, Mac, and Windows workstations) can be installed from the links below. To visualize the microtissue dataset as the controller, select NRRD_HMD_controller.bat To visualize the Narragansett Bay dataset as an observer, select OSOM_HMD_observer.bat

To visualize the Narragansett Bay dataset as the controller, select OSOM_HMD_controller.bat To visualize the rat heart vessel as an observer, select rat_heart_observer.bat You can also run ParaView directly by CTRL-clicking and selecting Open.
Mac (10.8 and higher) 83MB Linux 179MB Windows x86 71MB Note on Mac: you can install ParaView in your Applications folder by dragging it to the Application folder link. To visualize the rat heart vessel as the controller, select rat_heart_controller.bat Once you’ve installed the application you should be able to launch ParaView. Launch SteamVR IN YOUR HEADSET using the Virtual Desktop menu.ĭepending on what dataset you want to visualize and whether you're the controller or viewer, you'll need to run one of the files from the file explorer:

Launch Virtual Desktop and connect your headset to your remote machine. Close SteamVR if it's running on your machine and connect your headset to your machine using Virtual Desktop.